What is immersive content?
Immersive content is different to what we see on tv and online. Television and online content are broadcast and streamed at a standard screen ratio. When we watch television or stream video, the screen size is usually 16x9. At the cinema, we are presented with a panoramic viewing experience. The concept of 'immersive' explores other ideas and technology where the viewer can feel like they are 'within' the content. It has the potential to engage an audience and enable them to feel part of a story. This can be both powerful and memorable.
Brands are looking for new ways to connect with their audience, and immersive experiences have become a popular way of doing this. Immersive content can take people on a journey, tell a compelling narrative and communicate messages effectively. It presents the opportunity for a sensory experience. It can help launch products, engage audiences and create a buzz at high-profile live events. Immersive content has emerged through ambitious creative ideas combined with advancements in technology. This trend looks set to continue.
Where can immersive content be experienced?
. Live events
. Product launches
. Festivals
. Museums
. Gaming
. Cinema
. Art Exhibitions
. Theme Parks
Immersive content in the real world
The fast pace at which technology has moved in recent times means we have seen more immersive content in our daily lives. We often see light entertainment tv talent shows with large-scale projected backdrops and animated digital floors flooded with creative content. A shift in technology has allowed live events to become increasingly immersive. In the live events space, whilst one large screen may have an impact, several large screens surrounding an audience could bring a significant level of engagement. Larger screens and 3D digital canvases have enabled hosts and artists to be surrounded by high-resolution video content.
Projection mapping has been used effectively on high-profile building exteriors to help launch brands and raise awareness for campaigns. It can feel very immersive, especially when the facade of the building has a lot of depth and features. When projection mapping came about, some thought it would be a short-lived trend. However, over recent years, it has helped increase the exposure of some very high-profile brands. It can create a genuine spectacle and draw a high level of engagement from a crowd.
Art is another area which has become increasingly immersive. Exhibitions have shown digital art pieces at a grand scale, filling exhibition spaces, so the viewers feel immersed within the art, almost feeling part of the piece. These art pieces can be brought to life with animation, taking the art to a new level. Sound can bring another dimension, adding again to the overall experience.

Immersive content in the virtual world
Brands have seen potential in immersive trends where they can connect with their audience in the virtual sense. Emerging areas such as virtual reality have become popular in recent times. Putting on a headset and being transported to a new world can create an emotional connection with the viewer. The experience can be sensory with immersive sound and vision. Whilst fun, the experience can also help businesses achieve key objectives. It can work effectively for companies looking for new ways to communicate brand messages.
Imagine being able to experience the interior of a new car without visiting a car showroom in person. Virtual reality would enable this. A customer could gain a good idea of the functionality and layout of the vehicle from a virtual perspective. The concept could extend to trying out more than one model or brand of car and even become an experiential journey around a digital car showroom. The car industry has embraced technology over the years. Bringing virtual reality to the car buying experience looks set to continue.
Virtual reality has also enabled gaming to become very immersive, with game companies understanding that immersive worlds are a popular theme. The use of virtual reality in gaming puts the player within the action, enabling them to move around as if they were there. The advancements with headsets, sensors and controllers have been impressive in recent years. There are very relevant use cases for this type of tech in the business world. Brands are keen to bring gamification into their worlds to attract and engage their audiences.
Can immersive content help my business?
If you want to capture the attention of an audience in a dynamic way, an immersive experience is an effective way to do this. A great concept combined with an engaging creative treatment can increase brand exposure for your business and campaign. With the right ideas and execution, there is real potential to create something memorable. Immersive content doesn't have to come at a huge expense either. There are a whole host of ways that immersive content can integrate with branding campaigns or events, with different types to suit different budgets.
It could be a small-scale mobile phone virtual reality experience for individual corporate team members. On the other hand, it could be an experience for a large-scale event, where an audience becomes immersed in three-dimensional visual content. The opportunities are endless. As technology evolves, we can expect immersive experiences to become more sophisticated. It will be interesting to see where they take us next.